Immortality Fruit

potion 1 gold weight: 0.1

no recipes make this.

no recipes use this item.


Gives 1,000 health.


Note that it's a fruit, so is really a food, but it behaves like a potion, and not like a food.

You get this from planting the Immortality Fruit Seed, which was originally a backer reward. When you consume the fruit, you get 1 seed back.


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Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
price none 1
weight none 0.1
effects none Gives 1,000 health.
notes Note that it's a fruit, so is really a food, but it behaves like a potion, and not like a food. Note that it's a fruit, so is really a food, but it behaves like a potion, and not like a food. You get this from planting the Immortality Fruit Seed, which was originally a backer reward. When you consume the fruit, you get 1 seed back.
Gravidy developer
Updates to this item
name none Immortality Fruit
use unknown potion
source unknown agriculture
notes none Note that it's a fruit, so is really a food, but it behaves like a potion, and not like a food.